News Detail


Dec, 2024

2025 Winter Baseball Clinics

2025 Baseball Winter Clinics

Minors Clinic
For players 8-10 moving up from Farm League and Minors Level players. League age 7 players wishing to be placed in the Minors level for the spring may discuss participation with the program director. Players wishing to be considered for the Majors Draft should participate in the Majors Level Clinic.
Majors Clinic
For players 10-12 hoping to move up from the Minors Level to Majors and returning Majors players. Players wishing to be considered for the Majors Draft should participate in the Majors Level Clinic. Players may be shifted to the minors clinic should their skills present a safety risk.

Our indoor clinic is at:

33 Mitchell Drive, Manchester, CT
Please get in touch with the program director Greg Buonome with any questions on placement and don't forget to register for the Spring season!

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