Softball Programs


Softball School (Girls Only)
Softball Age Chart
Ages 4-6
Birth Year 2017-2020

The league de-emphasizes competitiveness, and focuses mainly on the development of fundamental softball skills.  Much of the season will be dedicated to learning the rules of softball and the fundamentals of fielding, throwing, and hitting while having a great time!  
The players are provided with tee shirt type jerseys and socks.  The league will provide bats and helmets for players to use.  Parents will need to provide a pair of black pants and a glove.  Cleats are optional.

Softball school is fun, and a great way for your child to gain confidence and understanding of the fundamentals of fastpitch soft

Softball AA (Girls Only)
Softball Age Chart
Typically Ages 7-9*
Birth Year 2016-2018

Age 7 players who have completed softball school may select to register in the traditional AA softball division. 

More traditional rules are used at this level and kid pitching is introduced. 

The players are provided with jerseys and socks.  The league will provide bats, helmets, catcher equipment for players to use.  Parents will need to provide a pair of black pants and a glove.  Cleats are recommended.

*Players participate in mandatory evaluations to ensure they are placed in AA, AAA, or Majors based on their skill set to ensure saftey and a positive experience for all

Birth Year 2013-2016

  • Schedule

  • Equipment:
    The players are provided with jerseys and socks.  The league will provide bats, helmets, catcher equipment for players to use.  Parents will need to provide a pair of black pants, cleats, and glove.  Personal facemask and batting helmet are optional but encouraged.

    This is the first level of softball with a selection process. Players are chosen by the coaches based on skill level. All 8 & 9-year-olds not chosen in the process will play AA.

    These games are umpired by league youth or adult umpires.

  • *Players participate in mandatory evaluations to ensure they are placed in AA, AAA, or Majors based on their skill set to ensure saftey and a positive experience for all

  • Softball Majors (Girls Only)

Softball Age Chart
Typically Ages 10-12*
Birth Year 2012-2014

The players are provided with Jerseys and socks they will keep. The league will also provide bats, helmets, catchers equipment for players to use.  Parents will need to supply a glove and cleats.  Personal facemask and batting helmet are optional but encouraged.  Many players at this level also have their own bats and some catchers have their own gear.

Players are chosen by the coaches in a player draft.  All 10 & 11-year-olds not chosen in the draft will automatically play AAA.

These games are umpired by adult umpires.

*Players participate in mandatory evaluations to ensure they are placed in AA, AAA, or Majors based on their skill set to ensure saftey and a positive experience for all
Volunteers Needed
If you are interested in becoming a Manager, Assistant Coach, or Parent Administrator for your child’s team, please indicate your desire to do so when you register online. 

  • Softball Juniors(Girls Only)

Softball Age Chart
Typically Ages 13-14*
Birth Year 2010-2011

The players are provided with Jerseys and socks they will keep. The league will also provide bats, helmets, catchers equipment for players to use.  Parents will need to supply a glove and cleats.  Personal facemask and batting helmet are optional but encouraged.  Many players at this level also have their own bats and some catchers have their own gear.

Players are chosen by the coaches in a player draft. 

These games are umpired by adult umpires.

*Players participate in mandatory evaluations to ensure they are placed in Juniors based on their skill set to ensure saftey and a positive experience for all
Volunteers Needed
If you are interested in becoming a Manager, Assistant Coach, or Parent Administrator for your child’s team, please indicate your desire to do so when you register online. 

Registration Listing

2025 Spring Softball

Little League Softball

This program is for 2025 Spring Softball. Only players born in 2010 - 2020 are eligible to register.
A player’s age as of December 31, 2024 will be that player’s Little League age for the 2025 spring/summer season. 
VRLL adheres to the “Age Determination Date” requirements established by Little League, Inc. 
If you have any questions, feel free to email VRLL Softball VP: Carol Hartmann at [email protected] 

All players league age 7-14 NOT currently on a Spring 2024 Majors or Juniors team must attend evaluations at Vernon Center Middle School on Saturday March 8th with a time between the time window of 10AM-12:00PM or Sunday March 9th with a time between the time window of 1PM-3:00PM. Playing on 2024 Fallball Majors does not necessarily mean your daughter will be placed on a Spring 2025 Majors Team

Eligibility - All new players and players registering on our new site are required to upload proof of residency (using a valid drivers license and at least one utility bill received within the last three months) or proof of school enrollment in Vernon Rockville CT (using the most recent progress report or report card). Also, all new players are required to upload a copy of the child's birth certificate. Returning players and previously registered players on the new site do not need residency, school or age verification.

General Members - This program is for adults who wish to participate actively in the organization and operation of the league. All Board Members, Managers, Coaches, Team Parents and anyone helping with field maintenance, snack shack or any other function that directly contributes to the operation of the league, are eligible. General Members participate in the annual General Membership meeting to review the state of the league, its funds, its future plans and the voting of its new Board of Directors. A $1 fee is required to become a General Member.

Coach & Volunteer - This program is for adults who wish to register to participate actively in VRLL as a Board Member, Manager, Coach, Team Parent, help with field maintenance, snack shack or any other function that directly contributes to the operation of the league. A secure back ground check portal link will be sent to the email you provide us on this form. We need your help to run the league and our teams. Please consider completing the separate coach/volunteer registration to help manage, coach or volunteer. Our league can't function without you!

Note: Registrations not paid in full and/or checks not received within 14 days will be auto-deleted from the system and your player will not be placed on a team


T-Mobile Call Up Grant (Payment Assistance)- The T-Mobile Little League® Call Up Grant is dedicated to helping families in need by covering registration fees associated with their local Little League program. T-Mobile and Little League share the belief that every child should have the chance to experience Little League, regardless of their financial or personal situation.  For more information and questions regarding application status, payment status, or general questions about the T-Mobile Little League Call Up Grant, visit the Call Up Grant Support Portal.

Softball - Softball School

Registration closes on 04/19/2025 at 12:00 AM
Season Dates: 04/19/2025 to 06/07/2025
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Softball - Juniors/Majors/AAA/AA

Registration closes on 04/19/2025 at 12:00 AM
Season Dates: 04/19/2025 to 06/07/2025
Show Details

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